Beyond the limited focus of much “BREATHWORK” this workshop gives tools for living, drawn from a wide spectrum of Breath optimisation practices and the world of Freediving, Yoga and Meditation. Students will increase their understanding of the mechanics and chemistry of breathing and harness insights from evolutionary physiology to explore the Mind/Body connection and regulate the autonomic nervous system to meet the moment. We’ll use a wide range of techniques to develop psychological resilience, exploring the whole spectrum of physiological states from sympathetic excitation to deep, whole-body relaxation, with their associated emotional states. Healthy breathing is adaptive and fluid, and while there are bad ways to breathe, there’s not only one way to breathe in all situations. Understanding this central plasticity is the key to harnessing the power of the breath for increased resilience, mental clarity and even spiritual growth.
– Group movement
– Finding comfort in Discomfort
– Theory
– Practical
– Meditation
– Theory
– Practical
– Moving Meditation
– Shamanic Breathwork and movement
Dieser Kurs wird von Etta Evans auf Englisch geleitet, einer internationalen Yoga-Lehrerin, die von Hawaii nach Florenz gezogen ist, um ihre eigene Yoga-Schule zu gründen und in ganz Europa ihre Workshops anzubieten. Aber Giulietta ist nicht nur das, sie ist auch Künstlerin und Musikkomponistin. Komm und entdecke die Geheimnisse des Atems!