This 2.5 hrs Workshop is open to all levels, ideal for beginners to learn HOW to do a handstand and wonderful for those who already know how to do a handstand to take their practice to the next level!
Etta uses a new Modern technique to teach how to master a handstand. Infact the goal in this masterclass is not only HOW to do a handstand but how to MASTER the handstand therefore how to hole it, transition in and out of handstands etc. Etta has now become known for her handstand masterclasses as she has traveled all over Europe, Asia and America with this master class.
– Introduction
– Group warm up
– Theory and the mathematics of handstands
– How to practice correctly at home by yourself
– How to build resistance and hold your handstand
– Finding the best handstand for your body type
– How to a handstand without a wall
– 3 rounds of Individual time with the teacher to find and work on your handstand
– Group exercise and cooling down
Dieser Kurs wird von Etta Evans auf Englisch geleitet, einer internationalen Yoga-Lehrerin, die von Hawaii nach Florenz gezogen ist, um ihre eigene Yoga-Schule zu gründen und in ganz Europa ihre Workshops anzubieten. Aber Giulietta ist nicht nur das, sie ist auch Künstlerin und Musikkomponistin.